Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Quiz

 Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Quiz
Do you know the basics about erectile dysfunction? Take this quick quiz and find out.

Are the following statements about ED true or false?

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Read the Erection Problem Checklist article > >

1. Most men never experience ED.

True or False

2. It is advisable to seek treatment for recurring ED.

True or False

3. Erectile dysfunction is simply a problem of “mind over matter.”

True or False

4. Nervous system dysfunction is the sole cause of a man’s inability to achieve an erection.

Tue or False

5. Kidney disease and erectile dysfunction may be related.

True or False

6. A substantial percentage of men with diabetes experience ED.

True or False

7. Prescription drugs are never responsible for erectile dysfunction.

True or False

8. Vascular diseases account for the majority of physically-related causes of ED.

True or False

9. Surgery to remove prostate cancer can lead to ED.

True or False

10. ED is not related to tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drug use.

True or False


1. FALSE: Most men will experience ED at one time or another. ED is a common complaint among men, occurring in about 52% of men aged 40-70.

2. TRUE: If ED occurs more than 50% of the time, or is otherwise a concern or causing distress, a man should consider seeking medical advice and treatment. ED may be associated with other conditions such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and depression. The presence of ED may be an early sign of these conditions.

3. FALSE: The causes of ED can be psychological, physical, and/or a combination of both. Nonetheless, it is believed that physical causes for ED may occur in a large majority of men who have it.

4. FALSE: The sequence of events resulting in an erection involves nerve impulses in the brain, spine, and penis. Also involved are the subsequent responses in the body’s muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and near the corpora cavernosa (spongy tissue chambers in the penis that fill with blood during an erection).

5. TRUE: Kidney disease can cause chemical changes in the body. These changes can affect hormones, circulation, nerve and muscle function, and energy level, all of which can affect a man’s ability to achieve and maintain and erection.

6. TRUE: Diabetes can cause nerve and artery damage that can make achieving an erection difficult. ED may occur in 50% or more of men with diabetes.

7. FALSE: There are more than 200 kinds of prescription drugs that may be associated with ED and other sexual dysfunction.

8. TRUE: Vascular diseases are those that affect the blood vessels. These diseases include atherosclerosis (build-up of cholesterol plaques), high blood pressure, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. Vascular disease can restrict blood flow to the heart, brain, penis, lower extremities, and other locations within the body.

9. TRUE: Surgery to treat prostate cancer can result in erectile dysfunction, even though prostate cancer alone does not cause ED. It is important to understand that all current treatments for prostate cancer — including external beam radiation, radioactive seeds (brachytherapy), and hormones — may result in erectile dysfunction.

10. FALSE: All three of these substances can damage blood vessels and/or restrict blood flow to the penis, causing ED.

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