Viagra for Women


Do You Remember!!!!!

Men do you want to help your women?

Improved blood flow means better Orgasms

Sexual responsiveness requires adequate blood flow to the vagina and especially the clitoris. It follows that when women are unable to achieve orgasm or have delayed orgasms or suffer from vaginal dryness, these problems are likely to be due to insufficient or poor blood flow to the genital area. A variety of factors can cause poor circulation, such as heart disease, diabetes, or too much cholesterol. Smoking, a bad diet, lack of exercise, and a wide variety of drugs can also cause circulatory problems.

Unfortunately, there are far fewer answers to questions about sexual dysfunction in women than in men, because they are not as frequently the subjects of studies. Although there may be as many as 60 million American men with erectile problems ranging from occasional to complete dysfunction, comparable figures have not been compiled for women.

Undoubtedly, however, answers are on the way. But rather than wait for the needlessly gloomy finding, women will not settle for second-class responsiveness. Given a clear choice, women will progress beyond drugs like Viagra, which are not long-term solutions for the restoration of their sexual health. Whatever they choose, the chances are good that they will take NO for their answer.

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