Most Men with ED Don’t Seem to Get Treatment

In study of 6 million ED patients, 75 percent either didn't receive or fill prescriptions Never mind the commercials with men talking freely to their doctor about their erectile dysfunction, taking a prescription for treatment to the pharmacy and settling in for a romantic evening. Despite a wide range of treatment options, most men with erectile dysfunction (ED) don't get treated, according to a new study. "ED treatments, overall, are underutilized," said Dr. Brian Helfand, an assistant clinical professor of urology at Northshore University Health System and the University of Chicago. "Only 25 percent of men are actually treated." Helfand led the study, which looked at the medical records of more than 6 million men with an ED … [Read more...]

Female Sexual Dysfunction

When a woman with a sex problem sits down with a doctor or sex expert, they're up against centuries of sexist stereotypes—and a raging debate about how to undo those stereotypes. Uneven diagnosis and treatment is still a problem: While a man with a sexual dysfunction is likely to be taken seriously and given treatment by his doctor, women are likely to be told to "relax," according to sexual medicine experts and frustrated patients alike, suggesting the problem may be "all in her head." But does this mean that "female sexual dysfunction" is underdiagnosed? Or are some doctors going overboard, slapping the word dysfunction on anything that doesn't fit within a narrow definition of normal? The debate continues, with profound effects on … [Read more...]

Our Services

Our Services Here at New Beginning Mens Clinic, we have many services.  Testosterone, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), lack of energy, low libido (sex drive), women intimacy cream, sublingual Viagra, Nutritional Supplements, Testosterone cream for women, and Libido Cream for women. We also have been servicing the following area.  Our main area that we have been getting our patients from are Nashville, Clarksville, Brentwood, Franklin, Murfreesboro, Smyrna, Lebanon, Hendersonville and Columbia.  Now we have lots of patients come from the surrounding areas of each of these locations too.  We have had patients come from Knoxville, Chattanooga, Huntsville, Bowling Green, Louisville, Mobile, AL, Birmingham, AL, and the Tri-Cities area.  We have … [Read more...]

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Erectile Dysfunction: Testosterone Replacement Therapy Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testicles and is responsible for the proper development of male sexual characteristics. Testosterone is also important for maintaining muscle bulk, adequate levels of red blood cells, bone growth, a sense of well-being, and sexual function. Inadequate production of testosterone is not a common cause of erectile dysfunction; however, when ED does occur due to decreased testosterone production, testosterone replacement therapy may improve the problem. Health Check: How Much Do You Know About Testosterone Therapy? What Causes Low Testosterone? As a man ages, the amount of testosterone in his body gradually declines. This natural decline starts … [Read more...]

Viagra for Women

Men do you want to help your women? Improved blood flow means better Orgasms Sexual responsiveness requires adequate blood flow to the vagina and especially the clitoris. It follows that when women are unable to achieve orgasm or have delayed orgasms or suffer from vaginal dryness, these problems are likely to be due to insufficient or poor blood flow to the genital area. A variety of factors can cause poor circulation, such as heart disease, diabetes, or too much cholesterol. Smoking, a bad diet, lack of exercise, and a wide variety of drugs can also cause circulatory problems. Unfortunately, there are far fewer answers to questions about sexual dysfunction in women than in men, because they are not as frequently the subjects of … [Read more...]

You Are What You Eat!

Avoid Fatty Meats and Refined Carbohydrates Men who eat a diet high in red meat, processed meats and refined carbohydrates have a higher incidence of ED than those who eat a Mediterranean-style diet high in nuts, whole grains, fish, fruits and vegetables, according to a analysis of studies published online on May 4, 2010 in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine." Adopt a Mediterranean-Style Diet Men suffering from ED had improved erectile function after adhering to a Mediterranean-style diet for two years, reported Wendy Kohatsu, M.D. and colleagues at the May 2009 University of Arizona Health and Nutrition Conference. The Mediterranean diet includes nutrients that increase the life span, improve sexual function in both men and women, and … [Read more...]

Smoking Can Lead to Erectile Dysfunction

No Butts About It: The More You Smoke, The Higher The Risk of Impotence By Jeanie Lerche Davis | WebMD Health News March 6, 2003 -- Guys, if some of you wonder what's wrong in the bedroom, here's a clue. If you want to smoke in the bedroom, quit smoking. New research adds to the evidence that smoking may be a major cause of erectile dysfunction. A study looking at the impact smoking has on a man's ability to get an erection was reported today at the American Heart Association's annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention being held in Miami. "This is not the first study to document an association between cigarette smoking and erectile dysfunction," says researcher Jiang He, MD, PhD, an epidemiologist … [Read more...]

What Causes ED?

ED can be caused by many different factors. Problems are classified as psychological, physical or both. Psychological problems result in 10-20% of all cases. They include stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem and indifference. These patients often fail to respond to psychogenic stimuli. Physical problems account for the majority of cases. Any condition that results in the breakdown of the sequence of events that causes an erection can lead to ED. The most common diseases that cause ED are listed and include diabetes, kidney disease, neurological disease, vascular disease, and malignancies. … [Read more...]

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